- "目 次:temp"
- 0927-00
- 0927-001
- 0927-01
- 1-1-1 Discoveries in Bioelectricity
- 1-1-2 Discoveries in Functional Localization
- 1-1-3 Development of the Functional Localization Theory
- 1-1-4 Development of histological analysis by microscope/Development of techniques for staining neurons by Golgi stain, or Golgi method
- 1-1-5 Development of histological analysis by microscope/The Neuron Doctrine by Ramon y Cajal
- 1-1-6 Brain research in the 20th century/Electrophysiologic brain research
- 1-1-7 Brain research in the 20th century/Academic research which accelerated understanding of the brain
- 1-1-8 Brain research in the 20th century/Gene manipulation and behavioral neuroscience
- 1. Classification of Muscle
- 1章/1ページ
- 200301212
- 20030131
- 2014特論英語テスト
- 2019短2前期出力1 3
- 202107J1
- 202107J2
- 202107S1
- 202107S2
- 202107h2
- 20230101
- 20230116
- 20230911
- 20240822
- 20240822オリジナル:全角スペースあり
- 20240912
- 20240917
- 2型糖尿病の栄養食事指導
- 2次止血のまとめ
- ?型
- ?型(抗体媒介型,細胞障害型)
- ?型(細胞免疫型,遅延型)
- ?音
- Brain and spinal cord
- Brain research in the 20th century/Academic research which accelerated understanding of the brain
- Brain research in the 20th century/Electrophysiologic brain research
- Brain research in the 20th century/Gene manipulation and behavioral neuroscience
- Bug-test
- Cell/ions
- Cell/membrane/excitatory cells
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/ATP energy
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/diffusion
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein/channels
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein/channels/open, close
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein/channels/specificity
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein/pump
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/membrane transport protein/transporter
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/substances that diffuse through membrane
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/substances that diffuse through membrane/lipid affinity
- Cell/membrane/membrane transport/summary
- Cell/membrane/structure
- Central nervous system and periperal nervous system
- Classification of Muscle
- Components needed for sensation
- Components needed for voluntary (conscious) movement
- Components needed to respond to stimuli
- Condution pathway
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- Development of histological analysis by microscope/Development of techniques for staining neurons by Golgi stain, or Golgi method
- Development of histological analysis by microscope/The Neuron Doctrine by Ramon y Cajal
- Development of the Functional Localization Theory
- Discoveries in Bioelectricity
- Discoveries in Functional Localization
- DiscoveriesinBioelectricity
- DiscoveriesinFunctionalLocalization
- Effectors
- Eiyo入学前アンケート
- Electrical signal
- Endocrinology
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/ActionofCT
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/ActionofPTH
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/BloodCaandCT
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/BloodCaandPTH
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/HormonesandCaHomeostasis
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/IntroToCaHomeostasis
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/IntroToPTH
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/IntroToVitD
- Endocrinology/CaHomeostasis/IntrotoCT
- Endocrinology/HormonesWithoutMuchPituitaryRole/GlucagonAndInsuliln/Glucagon/ControlBasic/Fasting
- Endocrinology/HormonesWithoutMuchPituitaryRole/GlucagonAndInsuliln/Glucagon/ControlBasic/Meal
- Endocrinology/HormonesWithoutMuchPituitaryRole/GlucagonAndInsuliln/Insulin/ControlBasic/Fasting
- Endocrinology/HormonesWithoutMuchPituitaryRole/GlucagonAndInsuliln/Insulin/ControlBasic/Meal
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlSummary/basic
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToSweating
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToSweating/basic
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToSweating/simplified
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToWaterIntake
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToWaterIntake/basic
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/ControlToWaterIntake/simplified
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/EffectOfDecrease/basic
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/EffectOfIncrease/basic
- Endocrinology/VasopressinADH/SummaryOfEffect/basic
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/BasicSummary
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/CellActivityAndEnergy
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/ChemicalEnergyOfNutrient
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/DegradationOfNutrientWithEnergyMetabolism
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/EnergyMetabolismWithOxygen
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/MovementToAndFromTheCell
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergy/TissueRespiration
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergyy/BasicSummary
- EnergyMetabolism/NutrientAndEnergyy/EnergyMetabolismWithoutOxygen
- English Version
- Function of the cerebrum
- Functional localization of the cerebrum
- GI/stomach/ProteinDigestionBasic
- GIFTコマンド
- GIFT記述
- Gif横
- Gif横大
- Gif縦
- Index:muscle06 skeletal muscles and nerve innervation
- Index:nerv05 disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway
- Index:nerv06 autonomic nervous system and synapses
- Index:nerv06 central nervous system
- Index:nerv06 cranial nerves
- Index:nerv06 eyes and ears
- Index:nerv06 introduction
- Index:nerv07 introduction to the nervous system
- Index:sokendai 0930
- Index:動作確認0930
- Index:動作確認1010
- Index:動作確認1119
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(MiddleLevel)/CarDownhill
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(MiddleLevel)/CarUphill
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(basic)/CoolerInSummer
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(basic)/CoolerInWinter
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(basic)/HeaterInSummer
- Introduction/NegativeFeedback(basic)/HeaterInWinter
- Introduction/negative feedback (basic level)/summary of heater and cooler
- Kkumi/trial
- Kkumi/trial02
- Kkumi/trial03
- Kkumi/trial04
- Kkumi/trial05
- Kkumi/目次:trial01
- L7:introduction to the nervous system
- L8:introduction to the nervous system
- Left and right crossing of the somatic nervous system
- Masaruster/trial01
- Masaruster/trial02
- Mechanism of synaptic transmission
- MoodleLink/化学/酸とアルカリ/pHの基礎
- MoodleLink/化学/酸とアルカリ/酸の実体
- MoodleLink/呼吸/呼吸周期/横隔膜活動と肺気量1
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/pHへの作用
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/二酸化炭素への作用
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/概要
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/概要/ガス交換
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/概要/換気
- MoodleLink/呼吸/外呼吸(肺呼吸)/酸素への作用
- MoodleLink/呼吸/構造/初級解剖学
- MoodleLink/循環器系/体循環と肺循環/酸素と二酸化炭素/体循環の酸素と二酸化炭素
- MoodleLink/循環器系/体循環と肺循環/酸素と二酸化炭素/肺循環の酸素と二酸化炭素
- MoodleLink/循環器系/体循環と肺循環/酸素と二酸化炭素/酸素と二酸化炭素のまとめ
- MoodleLink/概論/エネルギー代謝/栄養素とエネルギー/基礎編のまとめ
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/pH調節の重要性/アシドーシス(による酸血症)、アルカローシス(によるアルカリ血症)/入門用定義
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/pH調節の重要性/データの読み方/第1歩/入門用定義によるデータの読み方/第1歩
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/生体内からの酸性物質の排出/腎臓と肺、それぞれの役割
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/生体内からの酸性物質の排出/腎臓と肺、それぞれの機能低下と機能亢進
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/生体内での酸性物質の生成
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/重炭酸緩衝系の基本的作用/血中のCO2濃度が上昇
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/重炭酸緩衝系の基本的作用/血中のCO2濃度が低下
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/肺、腎による酸性物質の排出と血漿緩衝系のはたらき/重炭酸緩衝系の基本的作用/重炭酸緩衝系の原理
- MoodleLink/電解質と体液/腎臓と肺、それぞれの機能低下と機能亢進/アシドーシス、アルカローシスの種類/分類
- Motor nerves (efferent peripheral nerves)
- Muscle
- Muscle/MuscleContraction/SlidingFilamentTheory
- Muscle/MuscleContraction/TheCrossbridgeCycle
- Muscle/MuscleContraction/ThePowerstroke
- Muscle/MuscleMechanics/IsometricIsotonicTwitches
- Muscle/MuscleMechanics/SimpleTwitch
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle/MyofibrilStructure
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle/SkeletalMuscleStructure
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle/TheSarcomere
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle/TheThickFilament
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/MyofibrilStructure
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/SkeletalMuscleStructure
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/TheSarcomere
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/TheThickFilament
- Muscle/StructureofMuscle/TheThinFilament
- Muscle/StuctureofMuscle/ClassificationofMuscle
- Muscle06/effect of intrafusal muscles
- Muscle06/innervation of intrafusal muscles
- Muscle06/introduction
- Muscle06/muscle spindle introduction
- Muscle06/neuro-muscular junction
- Muscle06/receptors introduction
- Muscle06/tendon spindle
- MusclePart1Section1
- Muscle Physiology
- Myofibril structure
- Na@sup+@sup、塩分の腎臓での出入り
- Na@sup+@supとHCO@sub3@sub@sup-@supとが再吸収される機序
- Na@sup+@supの能動的(ならびに水の受動的)再吸収の機序
- Na@sup+@supポンプへの負のフィードバック
- NegFeedBackBasic/ControlOfCoolerToSummerHeat
- NegFeedBackBasic/ControlOfCoolerToWinterChill
- NegFeedBackBasic/ControlOfHeaterToSummerHeat
- NegFeedBackBasic/ControlOfHeaterToWinterChill
- NegFeedBackBasic/SummaryOfCoolerControl
- NegFeedBackBasic/SummaryOfHeaterAndCoolerControl
- NegFeedBackBasic/SummaryOfHeaterControl
- Ner07/brain and spinal cord
- Ner07/components needed for sensation
- Ner07/components needed for voluntary (conscious) movement
- Ner07/effectors
- Ner07/electrical signal
- Ner07/functional localization of the cerebrum
- Ner07/motor nerves (efferent peripheral nerves)
- Ner07/receptors
- Ner07/stimuli-induced response-2 (behavior)
- Nerv06/introduction/autonomic ganglion
- Nerv06/introduction/autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system
- Nerv06/introduction/cranial nerve and spinal nerve
- Nerv06/introduction/dual innervation by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
- Nerv06/introduction/mechanism of conductance
- Nerv06/introduction/mechanism of synaptic transmission
- Nerv06/introduction/membrane potential
- Nerv06/introduction/position of autonomic ganglia
- Nerv06/introduction/site of action potential
- Nerv06/introduction/structure of synapses
- Nerv06/introduction/terms regarding membrane potential
- Nerv07/Central nervous system and periperal nervous system
- Nerv07/components needed to respond to stimuli
- Nerv07/function of the cerebrum