Nerve06/autonomic nervous system and synapses/excitatory and inhibitory synapses
When synaptic transmitters, such as adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, acethylcholine, are released, the post-synaptic membrane depolarizes and the threshold is lowered (left half of figure). Such synaptic transmission is excitatory. When synaptic transmitters, such as GABA is released, the post-synaptic membrane hyperpolarizes, and the threshold is hightened (right half of figure). Such synaptic transmission is inhibitory.
Challenge Quiz
As a result of excitatory synaptic transmission, the potential of the post-synaptic membrane depolarizes. hyperpolarizes .
As a result of inhibitory synaptic transmission, the potential of the post-synaptic membrane depolarizes.hyperpolarizes .