Nerve06/central nervous system/function and classification of the language area

2012年9月20日 (木) 12:27時点におけるSoichi.Nakatake (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

There are two language centers, namely the motor language center (Broca's area) and the sensory language center (Wernicke's area).

Simple vocalization, without any meaning, can be done only with the motor area, but in order to vocalize a language (with meaning), the motor language center (Broca's area) needs to function as well.

Similarly, simple hearing, without any meaning, can be done only with the auditory area, but in order to understand the meaning of a heard language, the sensory language center (Wernicke's area) needs to function as well.

The language centers are reported to be in the left hemisphere in about 95% of right-handed people and in about 65% of the left-handed people.

Challenge Quiz


With the motor language center, vocalization without meaning.vocalization of a language with meaning can be done.


With the sensory language center, a sound can be heard.understanding the meaning of a heard language can be done.


For vocalization of a language with meaning, motor area. auditory area.motor language center. sensory language center is needed.


For understanding of a heard language, not simply hearing a sound, motor area. auditory area. motor language center.sensory language center is needed.


The motor language center is also called Broca's area. Wernicke's area .


The sensory language center is also called Broca's area.Wernicke's area .


Broca's area is the motor. sensory language area.


Wernicke's area is the motor.sensory language area.


The language center is in the medulla oblongata. pons. midbrain. hypothalamus. thalamus. cerebellum. cerebral nucleus. limbic system.cerebral cortex .