Components needed to respond to stimuli

2012年8月15日 (水) 01:18時点におけるSoichi.Nakatake (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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When responding to a stimuli, 5 components, which are 1:receptors, 2:sensory nerves (afferent peripheral nerves), 3:central nervous system, 4:motor nerves (efferent peripheral nerves), 5:effectors, are needed.


Receptors convert information such as light, sound, heat to action potentials. The sensory nerves (afferent peripheral nerves) transfer the action potentials to the central nervous system. The central nervous system processes the information (saving, thinking, judging, ordering, etc). The motor nerves (efferent peripheral nerves) transfer the information to the effectors. The effectors do the job according to the order.

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When the human body responds (does a job according) to changes in environment (stimulus), the central nervous system.both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. the peripheral nervous system and receptors. both the receptors and effectors. the effectors are needed.