Nerve06/axon/axonal injury

2014年11月18日 (火) 22:15時点におけるAdmin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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Axonal injury.jpg

A skeletal muscle is innervated by the axon of a motor neuron. When the axon is injured, the muscle is denervated. The nerve may be sutured, but the distal portion of the axon will degenerate, which is called Wallerian degeneration. However, the proximal portion of the axon regenerates, and the muscle is reinnervated.

Challenge Quiz


After axon injury, the proximal distal portion degenerate. This is named after Waller (UK), as Wallerian degeneration.


With axon injury at one point of the axon, most of the supporting cells remain alive degenerate .


Axonal regeneration takes place along the remaining supporting cells. true false