「Nerve06/cranial nerves/summary」の版間の差分

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
102行目: 102行目:
Efferent peripheral nerve for pupillary sphincter is the {~olfactory.~optic.=oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for pupillary sphincter is the {~olfactory.~optic.=oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for ciliary muscles is the {~olfactory.~optic.=oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for ciliary muscles is the {~olfactory.~optic.=oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

Efferent peripheral nerve for superior oblique muscle is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.=trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for superior oblique muscle is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.=trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

152行目: 149行目:

Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of mastication is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.=trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of mastication is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.=trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

Efferent peripheral nerve for abducens is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.=abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for abducens is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.=abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

170行目: 165行目:
Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of facial expression, including orbicularis oculi muscle, is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of facial expression, including orbicularis oculi muscle, is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

Efferent peripheral nerve for salivary glands are the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for salivary glands are the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).=glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerves.
.=glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerves.

Efferent peripheral nerve for lacrimal glands is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)
Efferent peripheral nerve for lacrimal glands is the {~olfactory.~optic.~oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.=facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.
.~glosso-pharyngeal.~vagus.~accessory.~hypoglossal} nerve.

2012年9月24日 (月) 00:37時点における版

求心性(感覚性)情報遠心性(運動性)情報 体性自律体性自律

(副交感)I嗅神経嗅覚   II視神経視覚   III動眼神経  外転筋・上斜筋以外の動眼筋

上眼瞼挙筋縮瞳筋 毛様体(遠近調節)IV滑車神経  上斜筋 V三叉神経結膜,角膜,鼻腔,


それぞれの感覚 咀嚼筋 VI外転神経  外転筋 VII顔面神経舌前2/3の味覚 (眼輪筋を含む)表情筋唾液腺,涙腺VIII内耳神経姿勢の感覚


聴覚   IX舌咽神経舌後1/3の味覚



喉頭の感覚胸腹部臓器嚥下の筋,発声の筋胸腹部臓器XI副神経  頸部の筋 XII舌下神経  舌の筋 

Challenge Quiz


The olfactory nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The optic nerve is the number I.II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The oculomotor nerve is the number I. II.III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The trochlear nerve is the number I. II. III.IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The trigeminal nerve is the number I. II. III. IV.V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The abducens nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V.VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The facial nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI.VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular) nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII.VIII. IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The glosso-pharyngeal nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII.IX. X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The vagus nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX.X. XI. XII cranial nerve.


The accessory nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.XI. XII cranial nerve.


The hypoglossal nerve is the number I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.XII cranial nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for smell is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic(or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for vision is the olfactory.optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic(or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for the oculomotor muscles, other than lateral rectus and superior oblique, is the olfactory. optic.oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for levator palpebrae superioris is the {~olfactory.~optic.=oculomotor.~trochlear.~trigeminal.~abducens.~facial.~acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular)


Efferent peripheral nerve for pupillary sphincter is the olfactory. optic.oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for ciliary muscles is the olfactory. optic.oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for superior oblique muscle is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor.trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of the cornea is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of conjunctiva is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of nasal cavity is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of oral cavity is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of the face is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of mastication is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear.trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for abducens is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal.abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens.facial. acoustic(or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for muscles of facial expression, including orbicularis oculi muscle, is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens.facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerve for salivary glands are the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens.facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerves.


Efferent peripheral nerve for lacrimal glands is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens.facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sense of gravity is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial.acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sense of acceleration is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial.acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for hearing is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial.acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular). glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve for sensation of the pharynx is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve from carotid sinus is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Afferent peripheral nerve from carotid body is the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal. vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerve.


Efferent peripheral nerves for muscles of swallowing are the olfactory. optic. oculomotor. trochlear. trigeminal. abducens. facial. acoustic (or vestibulo-cochlear or auditory-vestibular).glosso-pharyngeal.vagus. accessory. hypoglossal nerves.


舌根部の味覚の求心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


味覚の求心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経).第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経).第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


喉頭の感覚の求心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


胸腹部臓器の求心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


嚥下の筋,発声の筋の遠心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


胸腹部臓器の遠心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経).第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


頸部の筋の遠心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経). 第X脳神経(迷走神経).第XI脳神経(副神経). 第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。


舌の筋の遠心性末梢神経は 第I脳神経(嗅神経). 第II脳神経(視神経). 第III脳神経(動眼神経). 第IV脳神経(滑車神経). 第V脳神経(三叉神経). 第VI脳神経(外転神経). 第VII脳神経(顔面神経). 第VIII脳神経(内耳神経). 第IX脳神経(舌咽神経). 第X脳神経(迷走神経). 第XI脳神経(副神経).第XII脳神経(舌下神経) である。