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16行目: 16行目:
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Channels/diffusion of ions/Na+]]
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Channels/diffusion of ions/Na+]]
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Channels/diffusion of ions/Na+channel and membrane potential]]
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Channels/diffusion of ions/Na+channel and membrane potential]]
#membrane potential
##[[nerv06/introduction/site of action potential]]<br>
##[[nerv06/introduction/membrane potential]]<br>
##[[nerv06/introduction/terms regarding membrane potential]]<br>
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Channels/effect of intracellular potential on diffusion/leak potassium (K+) channel]]
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Action potential/stability]]
##[[nervous system/overview of neurons/Crush syndrome/effect of hyperkalemia on cardiac muscle]]
#central nervous system
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/localization of brain function]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/anatomical terminology]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/function of the spinal cord]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/Bell-Magendie law]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/basics of the sensory pathway]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/basics of the motor pathway]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/classification of the electroencephalogram]]<br>
##[[nerve06/central nervous system/function and classification of the language area]]<br>
#spinal cord
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/level of right-left crossing]]<br>
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/Brown-Sequard syndrome]]<br>
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/ascending pathway of temperature and pain sensation]]<br>
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/ascending pathway of deep and touch sensation]]<br>
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/descending pathway of motor innervation]]<br>
##[[nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/summary of major pathways]]<br>

2014年9月18日 (木) 22:54時点における版