「Nerve06/eyes and ears/vestibule」の版間の差分

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1行目: 1行目:
Within the vestibule, there are two depressions, or 'rooms'.  One of the two depressions, the utricle (recessus ellipticus) is located posteriorly, and the other depression, the saccule (or recessus sphaericus), is located anteriorly.  Both depressions have hair cells, and attached to the hair cells is the otolith, a heavy structure that moves with gravity.
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7行目: 9行目:
The asterisk indicates the {=otolith~hair cell~semicircular canals~ossicles} of the vestibule in the inner ear.
図は内耳の前庭を表していて、*印は {=平衡砂(耳石).~有毛細胞.~半規管膨大部.~耳小骨} である。

The asterisk indicates the {~otolith~=hair cell~semicircular canals~ossicles} of the vestibule in the inner ear.
図は内耳の前庭を表していて、*印は {~平衡砂(耳石).=有毛細胞.~半規管膨大部.~耳小骨} である。

2015年4月30日 (木) 21:06時点における最新版


Within the vestibule, there are two depressions, or 'rooms'. One of the two depressions, the utricle (recessus ellipticus) is located posteriorly, and the other depression, the saccule (or recessus sphaericus), is located anteriorly. Both depressions have hair cells, and attached to the hair cells is the otolith, a heavy structure that moves with gravity.

Challenge Quiz


The asterisk indicates the otolith hair cell semicircular canals ossicles of the vestibule in the inner ear.


The asterisk indicates the otolith hair cell semicircular canals ossicles of the vestibule in the inner ear.
