「Muscle06/tendon spindle」の版間の差分

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
(ページの作成: left|350px筋が強力に等尺性に収縮(たとえば、自動車の下に手を入れて、上腕二頭筋を収縮)した状態で、腱紡...)
1行目: 1行目:
[[ファイル:02512en.jpg|left|350px]]When muscles are too strongly contracted isometrically (such as when trying to lift a car with the biceps), the tendon and the tendon spindles are stretched. This elicits a reflex inhibition in the activity of that muscle.

8行目: 5行目:
腱紡錘は錐外筋と  {~並列.=直列} に位置している。
Tendon spindle and extrafusal muscles are in {~parallel.=sequence} position.

腱紡錘は錐外筋(骨格筋)が  {~伸展された.=過度に収縮した} ときに伸展され活動電位を発生させる。
The tendon spindles are stimulated and generate action potentials, when the extrafusal muscles are {~stretched.=too strongly contracted isometrically}.

腱紡錘からの求心性活動は、脊髄反射的にその筋活動を  {~亢進.=抑制} する。
The afferent activity from the tendon organs causes a reflex {~excitation.=inhibition} in that muscle.

2012年9月27日 (木) 21:11時点における版


When muscles are too strongly contracted isometrically (such as when trying to lift a car with the biceps), the tendon and the tendon spindles are stretched. This elicits a reflex inhibition in the activity of that muscle.

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Tendon spindle and extrafusal muscles are in parallel.sequence position.


The tendon spindles are stimulated and generate action potentials, when the extrafusal muscles are stretched.too strongly contracted isometrically .


The afferent activity from the tendon organs causes a reflex excitation.inhibition in that muscle.