「Nerve06/eyes and ears/introduction to Weber test」の版間の差分

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(ページの作成: 音叉を振動させて、(半ドーナツ状の)頭蓋の中央に置く。これにより、頭蓋骨を介して(円錐状の)内耳の蝸牛が(縞状の矢印で...)
1行目: 1行目:
A vibrating tuning fork is placed on the center of the top half of the (donut-shaped) skull. By doing so, the vibration transmitted via the skull (indicated by the arrows) stimulates the (cone-shaped) cochlea of each inner ear.  The inner ears generate action potentials (red marks), on the vestibulocochlear (VIIIth cranial) nerves.  When these reach the cerebral cortex, auditory sensation is elicited.


In normal subjects, with no significant difference in the sensitivity of both inner ears, the amount of action potentials reaching the brain from both nerves is about the same. Thus, the sound does not shift right, nor left, and would be heard in the middle.

ウェバーWeber 試験を実施したら、左側へ偏って聞こえた。これは、 {~正常.=異常} である。
In the Weber test, if the subject says that the sound shifted to the left side, this finding is {~normal~=abnormal}.

2015年4月24日 (金) 07:06時点における最新版

A vibrating tuning fork is placed on the center of the top half of the (donut-shaped) skull. By doing so, the vibration transmitted via the skull (indicated by the arrows) stimulates the (cone-shaped) cochlea of each inner ear. The inner ears generate action potentials (red marks), on the vestibulocochlear (VIIIth cranial) nerves. When these reach the cerebral cortex, auditory sensation is elicited.


In normal subjects, with no significant difference in the sensitivity of both inner ears, the amount of action potentials reaching the brain from both nerves is about the same. Thus, the sound does not shift right, nor left, and would be heard in the middle.

Challenge Quiz


In the Weber test, if the subject says that the sound shifted to the left side, this finding is normal abnormal .