Nerve06/central nervous system/function of the spinal cord

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The spinal cord functions both as a central nervous system for several reflexes, and also as a conduction pathway.

center of reflexes

  • stretch reflex, such as Patellar reflex, often has the reflex center in the spinal cord.
  • the sacral cord and the parasympathetic nerves from it, play a role in micturition, defecation, erection, etc.

conduction pathway

The motor pathway, conducting information from the brain to the spinal nerves, is called the descending (or pyramidal) pathway, and, the sensory pathway, conducting information from the spinal cord to the brain, is called the ascending pathway.

Challenge Quiz


The center of the patellar reflex is in the cerebrum spinal cord the brain other than the cerebrum .


Part of the defecation center is is not in the sacral cord.


Part of the micturition center is is not in the sacral cord.


Part of the erection center is is not in the sacral cord.