
2019年6月2日 (日) 18:49時点におけるSHolroydAtWeilCornellMedQatar (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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An Introduction to Vitamin D


Ultraviolet rays convert Provitamin D in Vitamin D in the skin. This Vitamin D enters the circulation where it is taken up in the liver. Another source of Vitamin D is through absorption by the small intestine, this may also be taken up in the liver.

In the liver Vitamin D is hydroxylated. This hydroxylated Vitamin D enters the circulation where it can be further hydroxylated in the kidney to produce Active Vitamin D. This fully active Vitamin D enters the circulation.

Challenge Quiz

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<GIFT> //LEVEL:2 //RAND Which TWO of the following are the original sources of Vitamin D prior to entry into the circulation? {=skin~kidney~=GI tract~liver}

//LEVEL:2 //RAND In which of the following organs (two answers) is Vitamin D activated (hydroxylated)? {skin~=kidney~GI tract~=liver}

//RAND Is it possible to have active Vitamin D in your circulation without exposure to sunlight? {=Yes~No}