Nerve07/functional localization of the cerebrum

2014年9月18日 (木) 15:14時点におけるAdmin (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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The right leg is ordered to kick a ball by action potentials from the left cerebrum. The left leg is ordered to kick a ball by action potentials from the right cerebrum.

Likewise for hands.


Action potentials from the right hand reach and are sensed by the left cerebrum. Action potentials from the left hand reach and are sensed by the right cerebrum.

Likewise for legs.

Challenge Quiz


The right leg is ordered to kick a ball by action potentials from the left. right cerebrum.

The left leg is ordered to kick a ball by action potentials from the left.right cerebrum.


Action potentials from the right hand reach and are sensed by the left. right cerebrum.

Action potentials from the left hand reach and are sensed by the left.right cerebrum.