「Nerve05/disorders of the spinal cord and optic pathway/summary of optic pathway」の版間の差分

ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
(ページの作成: 視覚伝導路のまとめ 違った方向からの練習問題を解いて,視覚伝導路に関する知識をまとめておこう. {{QuizTitle}} <GIFT> //LEVEL:3 //RAN...)
1行目: 1行目:
Let's work on quizzes from a different angle and summarize knowledge on the optic pathway.

7行目: 6行目:
右側視神経が障害されると右側眼球の耳側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.
When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.
When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.
When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.
When the right optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

右側視神経が障害されると右側眼球の鼻側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the right optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

右側視神経が障害されると左側眼球の耳側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the right optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

右側視神経が障害されると左側眼球の鼻側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the right optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.

右側視索が障害されると右側眼球の耳側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

右側視索が障害されると右側眼球の鼻側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

右側視索が障害されると左側眼球の耳側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

右側視索が障害されると左側眼球の鼻側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側視神経が障害されると右側眼球の耳側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.

左側視神経が障害されると右側眼球の鼻側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側視神経が障害されると左側眼球の耳側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側視神経が障害されると左側眼球の鼻側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

左側視索が障害されると右側眼球の耳側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

左側視索が障害されると右側眼球の鼻側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側視索が障害されると左側眼球の耳側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側視索が障害されると左側眼球の鼻側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.

左側後頭葉が障害されると右側眼球の耳側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye {=can~can not} be seen.

左側後頭葉が障害されると右側眼球の鼻側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側後頭葉が障害されると左側眼球の耳側視野は  {=見える.~見えない} .
When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye {~can~=can not} be seen.

左側後頭葉が障害されると左側眼球の鼻側視野は  {~見える.=見えない} .
When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye {=can~can not} be seen.

両眼球の右側視野は {=左.~} 側大脳皮質で知覚される.
Images in the right visual field of the both eyes reach the {=left~right} cerebral cortex.

両眼球の左側視野は {~左.=} 側大脳皮質で知覚される.
Images in the left visual field of the both eyes reach the {~left~=right} cerebral cortex.

2015年5月4日 (月) 08:40時点における最新版


Let's work on quizzes from a different angle and summarize knowledge on the optic pathway.

Challenge Quiz


When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the right optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic nerve is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic track is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the left optic track is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the right (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the left eye can can not be seen.


When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the outer visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


When the left (occipital lobe of the) cerebral cortex is damaged, images in the inner visual field of the right eye can can not be seen.


Images in the right visual field of the both eyes reach the left right cerebral cortex.


Images in the left visual field of the both eyes reach the left right cerebral cortex.